World of Finishes: the infinite and exclusive potential of natural ceramics
Surfaces Group is the leader in ceramic surface finishing treatments for its original ability to develop technological applications that innovate market trends and at the same time increase the performance of the production process, keeping the company’s overall TCO low.
An extraordinary aptitude that has gradually evolved and matured through the precious interactions between the various companies that are part of the group. This meeting and exchange of know-how has allowed us to conceive, design, and implement synergistic solutions that make a potentially infinite selection of finishes possible.
Hence, WOF, a World of Finishes, presented at the latest edition of CERSAIE, launching a new deal for natural ceramics, through a tailored system that creates textured and multi-effect surfaces. Unpolished ceramic tiles that become unique yet reproducible.
Through World of Finishes you can customise every type of finish: soft or marked shade variations, different finishes within the same tile, matt texture or extreme smoothness with a degree of gloss that reaches 90, material effects that recreate ancient stone.
Thanks to the skilful dosage of fickerts by Luna Abrasivi and Surfaces T.A. to smooth and satin, mounted on polishing machines, you will be able to design the desired finish and make it a reality. The Pilot Plant is available to the customer; for each desired finish there will be a dedicated tool-software-machine setup recipe to test the process before starting production.
Surfaces Group makes its specialized team available to the customer and develops the best production process to create new types of finish. Not a mere tool supplier: a true partner.